Are you ready for Spring? In anticipation of the coming warmth months and growth that comes with it, here are 4 tips to help you optimize this great time of year:
1: Get out of hibernation mode
Time to shake the dust off! We've all had a long winter of evenings filled with movies & hot tea or cocoa (with possibly a few too many PROBAR PEAKS) while sitting under a blanket. Now is a great time to get mentally prepared to be more active & involved
Set aside time to mindfully sit and make goals for what you want to accomplish this spring, and create sub-goals to use as benchmarks on your path to springtime success!
2: Plan to get active
After a long winter, going outside will feel great. Check up on local events, or trails, peaks or destinations you'd like to achieve!
By signing up for an event or sharing your goals, youâre more likely to feel accountable to other people to show up, and are therefore more likely to follow through on your exercise goals. Itâs a win-win!
Don't forget to pack your favorite PROBAR snack for extra motivation. Some of our personal favorite for these first spring goals are PROBAR Bolts!

3: Start your gardenThose of you who garden probably donât have to be reminded of this. For those with a green thumb, planning a vegetable or flower garden is a highlight of early spring, with all the fun of imagining how beautiful it will be, and how tasty the veggies will be! Those of you who have never tried gardening before â give it a shot!
Raising one or two tomato plants from seeds will give you a sense of accomplishment, youâll get to know first-hand how delicious garden-fresh vegetables can be, and youâll get a real sense of pride when youâre able to use the fruits of your labor (literally!) in your own salad or recipe.
4: Spring Cleaning
Many of us agree: cleaning is never fun. Many of us can also agree: having a clean place to live is great. Therefore we need to go through one to get the other. The best way to tackle spring cleaning is to just do it. Schedule a time for you and your roommates, partner, spouse, kids, and/or everyone else well in advance to power through it and get it done.
Be sure to put it on everyoneâs calendar. Make up a chore list, split it up, and tackle it. Turn it into an event, complete with party music, fresh air, and peoplesâ favorite snacks (PROBAR THINS are a great healthy & delicious motivator!) , and youâll be done before you know it!